Monday, April 29, 2013

Keelson and the Anchorage Towers Tour :)



On a beautiful, yet windy afternoon Piet had so nicely arranged for our tour of the Keelson and the Anchorage Towers. I feel as though my walk through of the 2014 Home Lottery Suite perhaps made me feel a little too much at home. I’ll be buying more tickets next year!

Bohua managed to stay on his feet once venturing out on the balcony for its windy tour and Jon toured the facility as if it were his mail he was checking haha!
Elizabeth enjoyed the sunroom of the 3-bedroom apartment we were shown, envisioning her Saturday afternoon reading over the many books she had ordered the week before on

Overall we had an amazing insight on the many immaculate suites on their way to completion – To think; these are of the smaller buildings of the King’s Wharf model!

Thank you kindly,


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