Friday, December 6, 2013

30 / 60 Vision! Happy Birthday Jon!!

I'm Trying to start a new Tradition here at Lydon Lynch.
Let's recognize the Decade-Important birthdays. I'm the keeper of the birthdays and even though no one will ever be able to sneak a surprise 30th birthday cake on me, we did one for Jon's 30th! 

Since Piet's 60th was only a few months ago, we felt he was entitled to pick the first piece haha.

Here are a few snaps :)

Bohua your 30th is around the corner!! Haha

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Dine By Design

Another Fun, Rewarding Staff Event - Dine By Design 

 “Dine By Design East,” was hosted by East Coast Living - Made to be a dazzling event showcasing design luminaries and culinary giants from Halifax in a feast for the senses. 



 Lydon Lynch Architects were asked to participate earlier this summer. Everyone took quite an amount of  interest in the event since it was for a worthwhile cause with proceeds for NSCAD University in memory of Amber Harkins, former editor of East Coast Living magazine who passed away from cancer last year.

The Gala evening was on October 3 and the event ran from October 2 to 6, 2013.

 Many Thanks to all who made product contributions to make the idea come to life, our talented Chef and Great Job to all Staff who contributed their hard work and time to make this a success! 

 See Below all Fun Photos Plus The Final Product!



Wednesday, October 2, 2013

August 24, 2013 - A Beautiful Day for Memories of a Life Time!!!

What a Beautiful Sunny Day to Marry Your Best Friend!

Two Lydon Lynchers, on the same day funny enough, tied the knot! August 24, 2013!

Congrats from all of us here at the office to:

Lori & Tim - Her Humor Never Fails to be instantly described, like in this photo!! She's 1-1 to the Random Bride! (Credits to Trevor Allen Photography)

Matt & Alex - Happiness Joins Two!! Now Let the Move from NYC begin!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Piet - Just Another Day in the Office!! August 3rd 2013

Mr. Mars has been with Lydon Lynch Architects since January 1984!!

There was no way he was celebrating such a significant day in his life without his Lydon Lynch Family knowing :) And No Birthday goes without Cake around here!!

Happy Birthday Piet!!

    "Top 10 Signs That You Are 60 Years Old"

    1.When you sleep, people worry you're dead.

    2.Your back goes out more than you do.

    3.Your best friend is dating someone half their age...and aren't breaking any laws.

    4.You wear slippers around the office.

    5.When your idea of a night out is sitting on the patio.

    6.It takes longer to rest than it did to get tired.

    7.Your address book has mostly names that start with Dr.

    8.You require special seating/desk arrangements at work.

    9.Getting "lucky" means you found your car in the parking lot.

    10.You forgot that you already had your 60th birthday."


Coochie Coochie Coo!!

Partner - Keith Tufts' big day finally arrived. 

Not only did we enjoy a fabulous dinner celebration for Andy's Retirement but also at around noon on Saturday April 27, 2013, Keith and Katrina welcomed Imogen Christina to the world!

A BIG Congratulations from his Lydon Lynch Family!! What a Beautiful First Family Photo!!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Andy's Retirement Surprise~

I was very fortunate to have met and worked with Mr. Andy Lynch in my beginning stages of Lydon Lynch Architects. 

On Apr 26, 2013 Lydon Lynch Architect Staff had held a Surprise Retirement Dinner for Andy and his wife Karen at the Bicycle Thief! (Good thing he didn’t catch onto seeing Hunter walking near the event grounds haha)

In celebration, since Lydon Lynch Architects was founded in 1979, it was a great send out for Andy Lynch and a motivational time to keep all the more focus on securing the legacy and continuing his fine work.

Piet, Bohua & Keith T managed to snap a few photos of this memorable night starting off with a few stories at the LLA Office! All Staff in attendance made for a very high-spirited event.

Thank you kindly Andy!

~Drop By Anytime :)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Keelson and the Anchorage Towers Tour :)



On a beautiful, yet windy afternoon Piet had so nicely arranged for our tour of the Keelson and the Anchorage Towers. I feel as though my walk through of the 2014 Home Lottery Suite perhaps made me feel a little too much at home. I’ll be buying more tickets next year!

Bohua managed to stay on his feet once venturing out on the balcony for its windy tour and Jon toured the facility as if it were his mail he was checking haha!
Elizabeth enjoyed the sunroom of the 3-bedroom apartment we were shown, envisioning her Saturday afternoon reading over the many books she had ordered the week before on

Overall we had an amazing insight on the many immaculate suites on their way to completion – To think; these are of the smaller buildings of the King’s Wharf model!

Thank you kindly,


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Ugly Sweater Christmas Party 2012

Lydon Lynch Architects has welcomed many new faces this year of the dragon, 2012!

Looks like we managed to have a themed Christmas Party this year and most attendants were very creative with their “Ugly Sweater” Idea – especially Bohua with his last minute grab of a ‘gift basket decoration’ to use as a masterpiece of his outfit!

Selwood Green catered to us this fine Friday evening! Amongst our drink of choice we were served exquisite appetizers of seared shrimp to our delicious main of perfected duck plus many delicious sweets.

Our host of the evening may or may not have made everyone feel that extra bit better about his or her sweater once we were greeted at the door. Fantastic choice of embroidery I must say! Haha Great Job Eugene!

We managed to grab a few snaps of the evening, with the help of some young family elves who volunteered for photographing a portion of the night!

If you see Santa Claus within these great photos – He won the award for the ‘Ugly Sweater’ contest. Perfect timing for a gift certificate for the Chocolate & Cheese Factory, you always need that last minute Christmas gift for the ‘rents’ don’t you Keith T? haha

Until our next event –