Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Summer 2016!

We’ve moved! 

We’re literally next door to our previous location(Marble Building). We are now located at 1668 Barrington Street, above the Roy Presentation Building. We feel very much back in the hub of Downtown Halifax.

Working a few floors above the Foggy Goggle Restaurant always makes for an easy lunch break, regardless of the weather. This day however, it was sunny and we managed to get most of us out of the office at one time ~ Enjoyed a quick drink & bite to eat.

This year has been quite busy, both in our work and personal lives. We have welcomed 2 new faces with us in the Office, Adrienne & Matthew. Marcus tied the knot mid July. Nancy too, enjoyed her nuptials at the end of August. 

Congrats to them and we look forward to our growing LLA Team!