Friday, May 3, 2013

Andy's Retirement Surprise~

I was very fortunate to have met and worked with Mr. Andy Lynch in my beginning stages of Lydon Lynch Architects. 

On Apr 26, 2013 Lydon Lynch Architect Staff had held a Surprise Retirement Dinner for Andy and his wife Karen at the Bicycle Thief! (Good thing he didn’t catch onto seeing Hunter walking near the event grounds haha)

In celebration, since Lydon Lynch Architects was founded in 1979, it was a great send out for Andy Lynch and a motivational time to keep all the more focus on securing the legacy and continuing his fine work.

Piet, Bohua & Keith T managed to snap a few photos of this memorable night starting off with a few stories at the LLA Office! All Staff in attendance made for a very high-spirited event.

Thank you kindly Andy!

~Drop By Anytime :)