Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Summer 2016!

We’ve moved! 

We’re literally next door to our previous location(Marble Building). We are now located at 1668 Barrington Street, above the Roy Presentation Building. We feel very much back in the hub of Downtown Halifax.

Working a few floors above the Foggy Goggle Restaurant always makes for an easy lunch break, regardless of the weather. This day however, it was sunny and we managed to get most of us out of the office at one time ~ Enjoyed a quick drink & bite to eat.

This year has been quite busy, both in our work and personal lives. We have welcomed 2 new faces with us in the Office, Adrienne & Matthew. Marcus tied the knot mid July. Nancy too, enjoyed her nuptials at the end of August. 

Congrats to them and we look forward to our growing LLA Team!


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Christmas 2014

We all know it was a mighty warm Christmas. ( +17 in most areas of Nova Scotia ).
As pretty as the snow is, a light dusty spread is really all I need.

All but one made it to our Christmas Staff Party on Dec 12, 2014 at Brasserie on Agricola Street. Piet missed his first party in many many years at Lydon Lynch, and as much fun as was had, it wasn't the same without him.

Ms Imogen was up and running around in comparison to last years party. I tried to snap multiple photos of her while being the center of attention, but she would only strike a pose once 'selfie mode' was in place. My excitement to her smile is clearly shown haha

The feast was large and scrumptious!
Happy Anniversary to Laura & Jon! Glad we could celebrate it with you two ;)

Please take a peak at some other Lydon Lynch Family Photos taken. We even managed to capture Keith Jennex for a few hours.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Happy 50th Birthday Eugene!

George Bernard Shaw says "Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter !"

We were extremely happy to partake in some of the festivities (a Surprise Party) the Friday after his birthday, but we couldn't pass up Cake & Beer on the actual day of!

August 2014

Happy Birthday Eugene!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

And What a Merry Christmas It was.

With the office decorated quite elegantly I might add, Lydon Lynch enjoyed a wonderful Christmas.

We enjoyed ourselves at The Bicycle Theif with almost all in attendance :) Here are a couple photos.

                                                      Happy Holidays From LLA!

Friday, December 6, 2013

30 / 60 Vision! Happy Birthday Jon!!

I'm Trying to start a new Tradition here at Lydon Lynch.
Let's recognize the Decade-Important birthdays. I'm the keeper of the birthdays and even though no one will ever be able to sneak a surprise 30th birthday cake on me, we did one for Jon's 30th! 

Since Piet's 60th was only a few months ago, we felt he was entitled to pick the first piece haha.

Here are a few snaps :)

Bohua your 30th is around the corner!! Haha

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Dine By Design

Another Fun, Rewarding Staff Event - Dine By Design 

 “Dine By Design East,” was hosted by East Coast Living - Made to be a dazzling event showcasing design luminaries and culinary giants from Halifax in a feast for the senses. 



 Lydon Lynch Architects were asked to participate earlier this summer. Everyone took quite an amount of  interest in the event since it was for a worthwhile cause with proceeds for NSCAD University in memory of Amber Harkins, former editor of East Coast Living magazine who passed away from cancer last year.

The Gala evening was on October 3 and the event ran from October 2 to 6, 2013.

 Many Thanks to all who made product contributions to make the idea come to life, our talented Chef and Great Job to all Staff who contributed their hard work and time to make this a success! 

 See Below all Fun Photos Plus The Final Product!